The HomesRenewed team reflects the diverse stakeholders of HomesRenewed Coalition. We have what it takes!
Louis Tenenbaum
Founder & CEO
In the early ‘90s Louis Tenenbaum was one of the first contractors to focus his remodeling business on aging in place. Curious why, if home modifications is such a good idea, no one does it, Louis wrote the visionary white paper, Aging in Place 2.0: Rethinking Solutions to the Home Care Challenge published by the MetLife Mature Market Institute, cementing his role as a leading authority on Aging in Place.
Uniquely straddling the building, aging and policy worlds, in 2016 Louis was named a Next Avenue “Influencer in Aging” and won a HIVE (Housing, Innovation, Vision and Economics) award from the building industry.
Louis founded HomesRenewed recognizing that good messages, subsidies and incentives are critical to market development.
Susan Kimmel
Co-founder & Vice President
Susan comes to HomesRenewed with the passion and insights of a 60-something Baby Boomer and with the experience and education from her careers in architecture and law.
Her architectural experience ranged from residential remodeling and condo conversions to large institutional work with hospitals and penitentiaries. After returning to school for her JD, she worked at the Federal Communications Commission in several bureaus, most recently as the Deputy Chief of the Disability Rights Office. Her experience with residential construction, new technologies such as remote monitoring and telemedicine, rule-makings and standard-setting are extremely relevant to the work of HomesRenewed.
She is excited to be a member of a team to share her background with other subject matter experts.
Dr. Jesse M. Abraham
Dr. Jesse M. Abraham recently retired from a 35-year business economics career with Data Resources, F. W. Dodge, Freddie Mac and most recently as an SVP of Modeling at Wells Fargo Bank.
Dr. Abraham has published many professional articles, on topics as diverse as wage determination, tax reform, house price dynamics, residential real estate, commercial real estate and causes of the Great Recession of 2009.
He has a PhD in Economics from Princeton University and undergraduate degrees from MIT.
Following his experiences handling medical care for his elderly mother, he is happy to put his shoulder to the wheel to nudge the industry in a constructive direction.
Amber Bullock
Amber Elise Bullock, Allied ASID, is an residential interior designer and principal/owner of AElise Designs, LLC. Amber is a passionate supporter for universal design and space planning to benefit all ages in their home environments which she calls “thriving in place”.
In addition to her design expertise, Ms. Bullock brings extensive policy advocacy experience to HomesRenewed as a result of her career accomplishments in public health. With roots in community health education, she most recently served as Executive Vice President at the American Legacy Foundation, a national non-profit tobacco control organization with oversight responsibilities for program development.
Amber looks forward to working with HomesRenewed and its very talented multi-disciplinary team and stakeholders.
Vicki Stearn
Vicki brings 30+ years experience launching consumer products to HomesRenewed’s kickoff. A communications strategist, she was on the management teams that launched XM Satellite Radio and several of Discovery Communications’ business units.
She works in diverse arenas, including consumer electronics, radio and cable TV, cyber security, nonprofits, and environmental advocacy. She brings insights from each sector to the challenges and opportunities of the others. Most recently, Vicki was named co-lead of Johns Hopkins Medicine’s Patient- and Family-Centered Care Clinical Community steering committee.
Passionate about improving healthcare, she believes that a well-planned home is core to living a happy and healthy life.
Advisory Council
Jim Greatorex, Vice President, VGM Live at Home
Eileen Tell, long term care finance and delivery expert, LinkedIn
Jim Costello, Managing Partner and Senior Access Specialist with Affordable Adaptive Solutions LLC